
  • BeThere Case Study Cover
      November 2022  /  UX/UI Design
    UX Case Study
    BeThere connects you and organizations, communities and other volunteers, making your volunteering experience ever accessible, personable and engaging. No matter where you live, where you are from, it helps you connect with local experience through volunteering and sharing. I led the user research, ideation, strategy and design for this app.
  • pizzaville case study cover
      October 2021  /  UI Design
    Pizzaville Website
    UI Improvement case Study
    Pizzaville is one of the leading pizza chains in Ontario. The website is being used by millions of pizza lovers. The user interface has some usability issues and the design does not help people complete the purchases. Through the UI improvement, I redesigned the home page, the menu and the checkout process to make it more modern, accessible and responsive.
  •   April - September 2022  /  UX/UI Design
    Humber River Hospital
    Orientation Website
    Humber River Hospital orientation website has recently undergone a complete redesign. The follow step will be the UX Research, offering multiple UX proposals to the stakeholders, ranging from low fidelity sketches to high fidelity final prototypes.
  •   2020 2022  /  Graphic Design
    Graphic Design
    01 LiveLifeLoving Event
    02 NoTimeToWait Conference
    03 Golden Ratio Icons
    04 Kiger Logo and Branding
  •   October 2022  /  UX/UI Design
    Monight. Movie Ticketing App
    UX/UI Case Study
    Monight. is a movie ticketing app that let the user book tickets and order food online directly through the app. I tried to make the process easier and intuitive for the target user.